Last night Chrisy Kline and I took a road trip to Edinboro, PA to attend one of GSWPA's scheduled leadership meetings about the camp closings. Our intent was to better understand how GSWPA arrived at their decision to sell the five camps they are going to sell, and to learn what the Council's plans are for the remaining four camps. Here is a summary of what we learned. Please realize that this is my interpretation of and reaction to this leadership meeting. I encourage you to form your own opinion and attend an upcoming leadership meeting (there are several more this month - including one in Greensburg on February 14th). (We will be discussing the information shared in these meetings at the Central Westmoreland Service Unit monthly meeting on Thursday, February 23, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the GSWPA Greensburg Office.)
The geeky "researcher" in me was in a state of bliss last night when our CEO Pat Burkart shared data regarding usage and cost per girl for each camp (okay, she shared a lot of other data but the most poignant data was the camp usage and cost per girl).
(2.) GSWPA is making plans to enhance Skymeadow, Redwing, Hawthorne Ridge, and Conshatawba to better serve our membership. GSWPA has some initial plans, but they haven't set anything in stone yet (other than what they announced in their official notice about the camp closures) because they want to talk to our membership and ensure interest is in-line with the plans (I hope that means a GIRL SURVEY because after all, we are talking about THEIR CAMPS!).
GSWPA is aware that there are activities and programs at the closing camps that are currently not available at the remaining camp properties. GSWPA is studying ways (and gathering feedback on ways) to integrate those activities and programs into Skymeadow, Redwing, Hawthorne Ridge, and Conshatawba. For example, in June 2016, GSWPA opened a new "splash pad" at Elliott. While plans are not yet set in stone, GSWPA is looking to move the splash pad to Redwing.
Approximately 13% of our girl membership utilized GSWPA camp properties in 2016. In comparison to Skymeadow, Redwing, Hawthorne Ridge, and Conshatawba, the other five camps just weren't being used enough to keep them open. I know there are folks who have fond memories and ties to the closing camps. Let's work together to keep those memories alive, but let's also press on and work together to make our remaining four camps the best and most utilized camps in GSUSA!
As members of the Central Westmoreland Service Unit, we are extremely fortunate. We have access to THREE beautiful camps basically in our back yard (approximately 45 - 75 minutes away from Greensburg). The camps we typically frequent are remaining open. Let's support our fellow Girl Scout sisters who are losing "their" camps. Let's encourage them to join us in making new memories at Skymeadow, Redwing, Hawthorne Ridge, and Conshatawba.
PS: There is so much more I'd like to share about discussions, updates, etc. from last night's meeting, but I REALLY want you to attend one for yourself if you are able. We will discuss this further at the the Central Westmoreland Service Unit monthly meeting on Thursday, February 23, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the GSWPA Greensburg Office.
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