This year it is going to be "I'M CONTAGIOUS and PROUD OF IT."
On Monday evening I hosted a meeting at my house for my service unit leaders and key volunteers. WOW! The energy I felt was AMAZING. It was definitely CONTAGIOUS and I am PROUD OF IT!!!!!
For the past six years I've served as the manager of the Central Westmoreland Service Unit of Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania. I've had the honor of welcoming in MANY new troops and new girls to Girl Scouting. I love to see the excitement on the girls' faces as they try something new (like their first cookie booth or camping for the first time). I think my fellow leaders can agree that their excitement is CONTAGIOUS.
Unfortunately, volunteer numbers across the country are falling. There are less and less volunteers willing to be Girl Scout leaders, therefore less and less girls get introduced to Girl Scouts. Now that isn't something to be proud of. :(
I've found though that while it is important to ASK someone to be a volunteer, it is more important to Be CONTAGIOUS and BE PROUD OF IT with potential volunteers. Sure, sometimes being a leader can be a little frustrating. But let's be honest. Don't the totally awesome experiences out-weigh the little bit of frustration you face? So instead of dwelling on the negative, BE CONTAGIOUS and share the excitement. Be honest, but instead of harping what you don't like or don't agree with, share the fun, the laughter, the goofiness, the LOVE you have for your girls in your troop.
While are Service Unit is going to work on some things within our organization (namely adding some things to our website to help out new leaders/volunteers or new potential leaders/volunteers), you can do your part by being CONTAGIOUS and sharing your amazing stories with everyone you encounter.